
Ancient medicine for modern health.

Call 828-773-2435 to schedule

I provide Acupuncture and other effective healing modalities for Asheville and our surrounding community. Immune Health is everything when it comes to feeling our best and staying well. Acupuncture promotes strong and resilient immune function for humans (and animals), assisting the brain and organ systems to work as optimally as possible. While acupuncture also helps heal acute or chronic injury, pain and many other conditions, it always facilitates immune function and mental health, the core to your well being. Homeostasis is the ultimate goal in every acupuncture session.

As humans it is our birthright to flourish and feel well. Over time, through life experience, we can get “out of health” yet every human being has the potential to thrive, IF…… we give ourselves the opportunity. We must take responsibility and be accountable for our choices, considering how they affect our health. Also, with life changing accidents, catastrophic illness acupuncture can be an excellent adjunct to other modalities, expediting healing. When we feel well we are happier and more content with life.

What sets my practice apart: People want to feel heard and listened to especially when it comes to feelings about health and wellness. I feel it is important to spend quality time with patients, listening to health concerns and offering a soft, gentle hands-on approach with acupressure, massage, moxa, gua-sha, Neuro-link, in addition to acupuncture. This helps to allay any fears regarding acupuncture needles. For those who may be very needle sensitive, there are other options to using acupuncture needles. It is my goal that the patient feel comfortable, safe and relaxed. The ‘needle” part of acupuncture is generally not painful and we always have options.

I’d be honored to work with you, help support YOUR journey toward health and well-being.